Month: January 2025

  • The Key to Preventing And Improving Hallux Valgus

    The Key to Preventing And Improving Hallux Valgus

    I walk in high heels every day,
    and many people in my
    neighborhood ask me:

    “Doesn’t walking in high heels
    hurt your feet?”

    This question reveals something
    essential: many women have a
    misconception about high heels.

    I can confidently say that walking
    in high heels is not the cause of foot
    or body pain.

    When it comes to physical problems,
    a fundamental element comes into play:

    Let Go of Preconceived Ideas.

    If wearing high heels caused
    Hallux Valgus, I would have it
    because I wear them all day
    365 days a year.

    Yet, I don’t have Hallux Valgus.

    On the other hand, many women
    develop Hallux Valgus without ever
    wearing high heels.

    In fact, this was the case for
    many of my clients before they
    took my courses.

    That’s why it’s essential to let
    go of unnecessary beliefs.
    Because these beliefs shape
    your current body.

    And most importantly
    know that it is possible to alleviate
    Hallux Valgus and relieve pain.

    Perhaps you’ve tried many
    treatments with no results and
    eventually gave up.

    But you don’t need to give up.
    Today, I’d like to share one piece
    of advice to improve your
    Hallux Valgus:

    Shift Your Weight
    To The Ball of The Big Toe

    If you don’t pay attention,
    your weight naturally rests
    on the outer part of your foot.

    This imbalance prevents the
    strengthening of the inner foot
    muscles and the transverse arch
    muscles, worsening Hallux Valgus.

    Of course, it’s impossible to focus
    all your weight on one area of
    your foot.

    But the difference between not
    paying attention and consciously
    trying to put weight on that area
    is enormous.

    Ask yourself:

    How Many Steps
    Do You Take Each Day?

    It’s said that the weight on your
    legs and feet is
    1.5 times your body weight.

    For example, if someone
    weighs 50 kg, each step results
    in 75 kg of pressure on their feet.

    When you walk, you’re mainly
    supporting yourself on one
    foot at a time.

    Walking is a simple daily action
    but if your weight distribution
    is incorrect, it’s inevitable that
    it will lead to physical problems.

    In contrast, by adopting correct
    walking and using the right
    muscles, healing is possible.

    The body is a direct reflection
    of our habits.
    So before doubting, try it!

    Results can only be achieved
    through daily practice.

    However, it can be difficult
    to know if you’re using your body
    correctly or walking properly.

    That’s exactly
    why I am here as your coach.

    The courses to improve
    Hallux Valgus do not require
    wearing high heels
    so those who are uncomfortable
    with high heels can feel reassured.

    Additionally, even if you don’t
    live in Paris, online courses are
    available allowing you to benefit
    from them from the comfort
    of your home.

    Of course, those living in Paris
    can also enjoy the convenience
    of online courses so feel free to
    take advantage of this option.


  • Relieving Lower Back Pain: A Story by the ASAMI-PARIS Method

    Relieving Lower Back Pain: A Story by the ASAMI-PARIS Method

    Let me share with you an inspiring
     story of how the ASAMI-PARIS Method
    helped alleviate lower back pain.

    Today, a client who attended my
    lesson mentioned experiencing
    lower back pain before the lesson.

    She described the discomfort
    as being concentrated 
    in the lower part of her back and
    admitted she wasn’t sure of the cause.

    Before beginning the high-heel
    exercises, we always start with
    barefoot exercises.

     It was during this phase that
    I immediately noticed a slight
    imbalance in her body—
    a forward tilt of the pelvis.

    With over 5,000 private lessons
    under my belt, including online
    lessons, my analytical skills allow
    me to observe subtle differences
    in posture and movement from
    every angle—front, back, and
    even side views. 

    This enables me to detect
    even the smallest irregularities.

    For this client, I guided her to
    slightly shift the upper part of
    her pelvis backward, aligning it
    vertically with the ground.

    Her body had become so
    accustomed to the forward-tilted
    pelvis position that her brain
    had mistaken it for being correct.

    Initially, she felt uncomfortable 
    when adjusting to the
    correct alignment. 

    However, it didn’t take long for
    her to recognize the improvement.

    She told me”I feel much more
    balanced now” 
    which validated the adjustment.

    During the high-heel exercises
    another hidden habit emerged:
     her right pelvis was slightly
    elevated compared to the left
    creating an imbalance.

    The pelvis should always
    remain level, even when
    wearing high heels. 

    Similar to how water flows naturally
    from high to low, an uneven
    pelvis places unnecessary pressure
    on one side of the body.

    If the right pelvis is higher than
    the left, the tilt causes strain on
    the left side leading to issues like
    back pain, leg discomfort and
    misalignment of the body’s
    central axis.

    This imbalance puts stress on
    multiple areas of the body.

    Through specific exercises
    in high heels, I guided her to
    lower the right pelvis restoring
    balance and alignment.

    At the end of the session, 
    I asked if her lower back pain
    had improved. 

    To her amazement, she replied:

    “The pain is gone. I feel no discomfort 
    whatsoever. Instead, my body feels
    light and comfortable. 
    This is such a fascinating experience!”

    This is the magic of 
    the ASAMI-PARIS Method. 

    It’s why I confidently consider 
    myself a “Body Doctor.”

    When the body is guided to
    function correctly, miracles happen—
    but to me, this is simply logical.

    Pain and physical issues stem
    from the body’s mechanics
    and correcting them is equally

    When you attend an
    ASAMI-PARIS lesson
    you may find that you no longer
    need a doctor.

    You’ll realize that both the root
     cause of your problems and
    their solutions lie within yourself.

    As someone dedicated to helping
    women unlock their elegance and
    transform their lives,
    I feel a profound joy when I can also
    help them overcome physical

    A body free from pain and stress
     is full of energy and vitality.

    Your body is constantly sending
    you messages. 
    Never ignore its voice.


  • The Essence of Elegance: An Inner Journey

    The Essence of Elegance: An Inner Journey

    The definition of elegance
    varies from person to person.
    To me, elegance is a state of inner
     peace and composure.

    From this calm and grounded
    state arises unconditional love
    gratitude, and respect for all things.

    Elegance is not solely about
    form or appearance; it is a state of
    the heart— a frequency within oneself
    that manifests outwardly as one’s

    This is what I believe.

    Pursuing external elegance alone
    will lead to its collapse over time.
    Furthermore, elegance can never

    When your heart is at peace
    it is easy to embody elegance.

    However, when you are flustered
    or angry, elegance fades away.

    This is why, in my daily life
    I live in a way that avoids rushing.
    I always plan my time carefully.

    I never hurry
    nor do I let myself
    be swept away by the need to rush.

    Additionally, to avoid being
    overwhelmed by negative emotions
    I strive to maintain a calm
    and peaceful heart.

    As part of this practice
    I dedicate time every day
    to meditation.

    Elegance is a state of the
    heart and a form of love.

    Everything I have written here
    is expressed through
    the ASAMI-PARIS method:
    walking elegantly in high heels.

    My high-heel method is not
    merely about improving health
    or walking beautifully.

    It is a unique art form—
    a way to embody and express
    the essence of elegance through
    the body.


  • End Hallux Valgus for Good

    End Hallux Valgus for Good

    Are You Feeling Hopeless 
    About Solving
    Your Hallux Valgus Trouble?

    Have you tried countless ways
    to improve the discomfort
    and pain caused by Hallux Valgus
    only to feel like nothing works?

    Many women spend years
    even decades, attempting to
    address Hallux Valgus but eventually
    give up after not seeing the results
    they hoped for.

    But you are not alone.

    Why You Must Never Give Up

    You must not give up.
    Why can I say this with such confidence?

    Because I have helped countless women
     from those with mild symptoms to
    severe cases, improve their Hallux Valgus
    condition through personalized lessons.

    These women are now living lives free
    from the pain and stress that
    once dominated their daily lives.

    Pain Diminishes Life’s Joy

    Pain reduces the joy we feel in life.
    Pain is stress.

    Thanks to my method, I experience
    no pain or physical troubles
    including Hallux Valgus.

    I recall the pain I endured during
    childbirth before receiving epidural
    anesthesia— it was a level of pain
    and stress I could not imagine enduring.

     When the anesthesiologist administered
     the anesthesia, they felt like a savior to me.

    This experience taught me how drastically
    life changes when we live free from pain.

    Living with Hallux Valgus or
    lower back pain likely causes far
    more stress to your body than you realize.

    The Stories of Women
    Who Overcame Hallux Valgus

    Despite the challenges
    many women have defied conventional
    wisdom and successfully improved
    their Hallux Valgus condition.

    These women are my clients.
    Below, I’ll share the story of
    one such success:

    – Client 1 –

    One woman found a pair of
    Christian Louboutin high heels in
    a boutique by chance, and instantly
    fell in love with them.

    She decided to buy them.

    However, she had never worn
    high heels before and wasn’t sure
    how to walk in them, so she searched
    the internet and discovered my website.

    She decided to take my lessons
    but she was also
    struggling with hallux valgus.

    Her feet were so deformed from
    hallux valgus that just putting them
    into shoes caused her pain.

    I began her lessons by focusing on
    barefoot exercises to build the muscles
    necessary for walking correctly
    while also making detailed adjustments
    to her body’s position.

    To walk properly and shift weight
    onto the ball of the foot
    the right posture is essential.

    We gradually increased the time
    she spent walking in heels
    all while staying conscious
    of how to use her muscles and body.

    Before the lessons, she had constant
    pain, but as we activated the dormant
    muscles through barefoot exercises
    the pain gradually faded.

    Thanks to this, she started wearing
    heels for work once a week.
    Eventually, she increased it to three
    times a week, and then five
    times a week.

    Ultimately, she was even able
    to wear Christian Louboutin heels
    during international business trips.

    There are more women
    like her, who have successfully
    overcome Hallux Valgus.

    If you’re struggling with
    Hallux Valgus trouble,
    I invite you to explore these inspiring
    stories on my website:

    Treatment of Hallux Valgus

    The Solution Lies Within Your Body

    The answer to your Hallux Valgus
    trouble is not something external.
    The solution lies within your own body.

    Now is the time to respect and
    listen to your body.

    Pain is a message from your body
    signaling that it is being used
     This simple truth applies universally—
    there are no exceptions.

    When you free yourself from pain and
    learn to genuinely love your body
    this message will resonate deeply
    within your soul.

    Take the First Step Towards Recovery

    I promise you, your Hallux Valgus
    trouble can be solved.

    To assist you further, I’ve created
     a new page dedicated to Hallux Valgus solutions.
    Please take a look here:

    Treatment of Hallux Valgus


  • High Heels Are Your Doctor

    High Heels Are Your Doctor

    I recently noticed a subtle change
    in my body—swelling in my legs.

    Thanks to walking in high heels daily
    I’ve become more attuned to the delicate
    changes in my body.

    This heightened awareness is one of
    the benefits of wearing high heels regularly.

    Every morning
    I perform stretches and exercises
    specifically designed for walking
    in high heels.

    Because of this routine,
    I rarely experience swelling in my legs.

    However, during the summer heat
    before or during menstruation or
    when I lack sufficient sleep swelling
    becomes noticeable.

    High heels allow me
    to detect these subtle signals
    from my body directly.

    This time, though, I found it puzzling.
    I wasn’t sleep-deprived
    it wasn’t my menstrual cycle
    and the weather wasn’t hot.

    What could be causing this swelling?

    Then it hit me—
    it was the intense cold in Paris
    over the past week.

    Daytime temperatures had dropped below
    freezing, and this prolonged cold had
    made my body feel noticeably stiff. 

    I had never before experienced
    such significant swelling due to the cold.

    Our bodies are affected
    by the cold in ways we might
    not immediately recognize.

    Poor circulation caused by lower
    temperatures can lead to swelling
    stiff shoulders cold extremities
    and other health issues.

    Unknowingly, my body had responded
    to the drop in temperature and
    swelling was the result.

    It was thanks to my high heels
    that I noticed this.

    If I had been wearing flat shoes
    I wouldn’t have been able to
    detect the change.

    But because I live in high heels
    every day, I can sense the state of
    my health the moment I slip my feet
    into them each morning.

    Whether or not your legs are swollen
    is a message from your body.

    These subtle realizations provide
    an opportunity to prevent illnesses
    like catching a cold, and to care for your
    body more attentively.

    In my case, realizing that my circulation
    was poor prompted me to extend
    my stretching routine and focus more
    on specific exercises to address the issue.

    Our bodies are constantly sending
    us messages, yet we often fail to
    notice them.

    Your beautiful pair of high heels can
    become your personal messenger.

    High heels are your home doctor.

    They understand the state
    of your body better than you do.

    True beauty is built on the foundation
    of good health. To maintain your physical
    well-being in its best condition
    is one of the secrets to being truly beautiful.

    Never forget that your
    high heels are not just an accessory;
    they are your doctor.


  • Exercises for Becoming Beautiful

    Exercises for Becoming Beautiful

    Every morning
    I dedicate time to stretching and exercising.

    While many people exercise to achieve or maintain
    a beautiful physique or to keep their mental health in balance
    my primary goal is to walk gracefully in high heels.

    The stretching routine
    I follow is based on the ASAMI-PARIS method.

    It’s not just about increasing flexibility—
    it’s highly effective in awakening 
    the muscles throughout the entire body and
    boosting the body’s self-healing ability.

    For my exercise routine
    I start with a series of five barefoot exercises
    followed by additional movements
    while wearing high heels.

    This morning, as I stood in front of the mirror
    performing an exercise I call “Flamingo”
    I could feel my femininity rising from within.

    The “Flamingo” exercise
    as the name suggests, involves standing
    on one leg like a flamingo
    raising the other leg up to a 90-degree angle
    and then lowering it. 

    This movement strengthens the muscles
    around the knees, which are essential
    for walking in high heels.

    However, the real magic of this exercise
    lies in how it awakens an inner sense of
    sensuality and elegance.

    When people hear the word “exercise”
    they often imagine intense workouts or sports.

    But exercising while wearing high heels 
    not only strengthens your body but also enhances
    your elegance and sensuality at the same time.

    The reason many people struggle to
    keep up with their training is that their
    goals are misaligned.

    When your goal is to walk beautifully
    in high heels, every exercise 
    becomes a joyful step toward that purpose.

    Going to the gym or running outdoors is great
    but if you were born a woman, why not choose
    methods that allow you to become more beautiful
    while strengthening your body?

    And if, as a result, you can walk elegantly
    and correctly in high heels
    then you’ve found the ultimate form of exercise.


  • The Aesthetic of Not Revealing the Sole

    The Aesthetic of Not Revealing the Sole

    True beauty is timeless.

    Even if a camera captures every second
    each frame should reflect elegance and grace.

    This philosophy can be applied to the world
    of high heels, and I would like to illustrate it
    with an example.

    Many celebrities are often photographed from
    the front showcasing their stunning dresses and
    exuding a sense of glamour that captivates the audience.

    However, one aspect often detracts from
    this otherwise impeccable appearance:
    the visible soles of their shoes as they place
    their feet on the ground.

    For instance, with Christian Louboutin heels
    the red soles are boldly exposed during landing.

    While the design itself is iconic
    the sight of the sole from the front diminishes
    the overall sophistication and elegance.

    This principle extends beyond footwear to other
    aspects of fashion, such as coats and jackets.

    Even with designs that intentionally feature
    a statement lining visibly showing the inner fabric
    of a coat or jacket often disrupts the flow of elegance.

    There is beauty in the subtlety of
    an unintended glimpse of the lining.

    However, when putting on or removing outerwear
    the deliberate exposure of the lining lacks grace.

    This is why I include techniques in my
    “Elite Elegance Masterclass”
    to master the art of wearing and
    removing coats and jackets without revealing
    their inner linings.

    This philosophy holds deep significance
    in my approach to aesthetics.

    Let’s return to the topic of walking.

    At some point, I hope to create a video
    explaining what happens when the sole of
    a shoe becomes visible during a step.

    This usually occurs when someone
    lands on their heel
    causing their toes to point upward.

    Many individuals, including celebrities
    land on their heels while walking
    and this is often captured in photographs.

    In my high-heel techniques
    this is something I teach to avoid entirely.

    Because when stepping
    the weight should be transferred to the
    ball of the foot allowing the toes to naturally
    point downward as they touch the ground.

    This prevents the sole from being visible
    from the front while simultaneously reducing
    strain on the body.

    Additionally, this technique
    enhances both elegance and presence.

    Whether viewed from the front, side
    or behind, you are always being seen.

    Of course, elegance is not
    about seeking approval from others.

    it is a pursuit of personal
    aesthetic values—a way of life.

    To truly embody elegance is
    to refine your philosophy of beauty
    for yourself and no one else.


  • The Sublime Rhythm of Elegance is the Essence of Beauty

    The Sublime Rhythm of Elegance is the Essence of Beauty

    Master the Rhythm of Elegance
    to Reveal Your Inner Beauty

    Those who master the rhythm of
    elegance hold the keys to beauty.

    In every movement, in every breath
    there lies a quiet yet powerful force:
    the power of elegance.

    A graceful rhythm and deep breathing are
    not mere physical actions.
    They embody a beauty that transcends appearance.

    The moment these elements fade
    your grace and majesty lose their brilliance.

    A Dance of the Soul and the Body

    Elegance is not just an aesthetic concept.

    It is an art of living, a silent symphony
    that harmonizes every gesture and thought.

    It manifests in the way you breathe
    in the delicacy of your movements
    and in the subtle rhythm that guides
    your daily walk.

    Breathe deeply.

    Let your fingers brush
    the air with poetic lightness.

    Ensure that each movement
    is an ode to the rhythm of grace.

    Why Rhythm and Beauty Are Inseparable

    Beauty is not limited to physical appearance.

    It is a balance between the inside and
    the outside, a harmony that resonates in
    every aspect of your being.

    When the rhythm of elegance is mastered
    it transforms the way you walk, breathe, and live.

    Nothing should be neglected:
    for true beauty lies in the details.

    The Art of Living Every Day

    Beauty is a living work of art.

    It expresses itself in the simplest gestures
    in the deepest breaths
    and in the subtlest rhythms of your daily life.

    Adopt this rhythm, make it a part of you
    and reveal your natural elegance to the world.
