Say Goodbye to Hallux Valgus (Bunions)
For over 14 years, through my work as
a high heel coach, I’ve discovered that
many women struggle with hallux valgus
And through my lessons
I’ve helped countless women
improve their hallux valgus and alleviate
the pain associated with it.
You’ve probably tried many different
solutions to relieve your hallux valgus
and the pain it causes, haven’t you?
And yet, despite your efforts, the results
may not have met your expectations?
ASAMI-PARIS is here to be your salvation.
The Solution for Hallux Valgus
Many people believe that wearing
high heels causes or worsens hallux valgus
If this is true, then I should be suffering
from severe hallux valgus.
Because I’ve been wearing high heels every
single day, inside and outside the house
for over 14 years.
However, I do not suffer from hallux valgus.
I have no pain or any related issues.
On the other hand
I have had clients like this one:
She lived in Malaysia, where the
weather is hot year-round
so she wore flip-flops all the time.
She had never worn high heels
yet she suffered from severe hallux valgus.
From the comparison between her
experience and mine
you can see that hallux valgus
is not at all related to shoes.
There are many different opinions
circulating about the causes of hallux valgus
but a lot of misinformation is out there.
Why am I so confident in saying this?
Because, through high heel lessons
I’ve helped many women suffering from
hallux valgus, freeing them from pain
and improving their condition.
It’s a well-known fact that women generally
have less muscle mass than men
and are more prone to developing
hallux valgus.
The impact of muscle strength is a major factor.
When you see the term
“muscle strengthening”
some may feel hesitant about
starting a workout routine.
However, you can actually strengthen muscles
through a simple, everyday activity: walking.
In fact, you can only improve your
hallux valgus through proper walking.
But that doesn’t mean simply
walking aimlessly.
That’s not the right approach.
It’s crucial to stimulate and strengthen
the right muscles to walk correctly.
Never Give Up on
Improving Hallux Valgus
Some women come to my high heel
lessons, because they love high heels
but the majority are women who have physical
issues and want to resolve them.
They come to my lessons with
the goal of relieving body pain and
escaping physical discomfort.
Among all the issues women face
the number one concern is hallux valgus
Those suffering from hallux valgus
often find that no matter what they try
they see no improvement.
Many have lived for decades with pain
as their constant companion.
This is exactly what my clients were
experiencing before they came to me.
They too, were initially skeptical.
However, as they learned
how to use specific muscles and where to
shift their weight while walking
it was like magic—
yet it was real.
The pain improved
and the condition got better.
That’s why I can confidently say:
hallux valgus
can absolutely be improved.
If you’ve been living with pain
for years and have given up on
the hope of improvement
I want to tell you this:
There’s no need to give up.
If you truly want to improve your
hallux valgus, you don’t need to rely
on external forces.
Everything you need to
heal is already within your body.

Client Success Stories
As proof that you don’t have
to give up on improving hallux valgus
I want to share the stories of three
women who experienced remarkable
Client 1
One woman found a pair of
Christian Louboutin high heels in
a boutique by chance, and instantly
fell in love with them.
She decided to buy them.
However, she had never worn
high heels before and wasn’t sure
how to walk in them, so she searched
the internet and discovered my website.
She decided to take my lessons
but she was also
struggling with hallux valgus.
Her feet were so deformed from hallux valgus
that just putting them into shoes caused her pain.
I began her lessons by focusing on
barefoot exercises to build the muscles
necessary for walking correctly
while also making detailed adjustments
to her body’s position.
To walk properly and shift weight
onto the ball of the foot
the right posture is essential.
We gradually increased the time she spent
walking in heels, all while staying
conscious of how to use her muscles
and body.
Before the lessons, she had constant
pain, but as we activated the dormant
muscles through barefoot exercises
the pain gradually faded.
Thanks to this, she started wearing heels
for work once a week.
Eventually, she increased it to three
times a week, and then five times a week.
Ultimately, she was even able to wear
Christian Louboutin heels during international
business trips.
Client 2
This woman is from Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia, the city I mentioned
at the beginning.
Due to the hot and humid climate
all year round, combined with pain
from hallux valgus
she had been wearing sandals every day
for years.
She tried to choose shoes that would
cause as little pain as possible
but what she didn’t realize was
that this was actually exacerbating the pain.
Flip-flops and flat shoes caused her
muscles to weaken because they didn’t
engage the right muscles,
and her condition worsened year after year.
She came to my lessons wondering
if hallux valgus could truly be healed
but also with the desire, as a woman
to wear high heels as she had
always wanted.
As she continued my lessons
she moved from flip-flops
to high heels as her everyday shoes.
Eventually, her hallux valgus truly
improved, and she was so inspired
that she trained with me to become
a high heel coach herself and now works
as one.
It may sound like a fairy tale
but it’s the true story of her journey.
Client 3
This client had a severe case of
hallux valgus
combined with flatfoot issues.
As an artist, she loved visiting
museums, but even walking for a short
time would cause her pain and fatigue
preventing her from fully enjoying
her visits.
Determined to improve her hallux valgus
she flew to Paris to attend my lessons.
Gradually, her condition improved day by day.
At the same time, the alignment of her
legs transformed into a beautiful harmony.
She was amazed by the changes in her feet
and the elegant transformation of her
leg lines.
On the final day of her lessons
she enjoyed the masterpieces at
the Louvre Museum.
Despite wearing heels instead of
flat shoes, she was astonished
to find her feet did not feel tired.
Having struggled with hallux valgus
and flatfoot for decades, this was
a first-time experience for her.
After returning home
she kindly sent me a thank-you email.
She noted that whenever she reverted
to her previous walking style
her leg alignment quickly returned
to its former state.
This helped her realize the importance
of walking with the correct muscles and
maintaining that habit.
There are many more success stories
like hers, and I hope you can trust that
hallux valgus can indeed be improved.
Now, it’s your turn.
Approach to Hallux Valgus
Until now, hallux valgus improvement
has been a benefit of my high heels lessons.
However, I have decided to create a
dedicated program specifically focused
on improving hallux valgus.
I understand that some may feel
hesitant about high heels lessons.
In this program, we focus on stretching
and barefoot exercises without incorporating
high heels practice.
This ensures that even those who are
uncomfortable with high heels can
participate with confidence.

Hallux Valgus Improvement Lessons
The lessons are divided
into the following two programs.
1. Stretching
The ASAMI-PARIS stretching method
is not just for making the body more flexible.
It is based on the theory that the body functions
as a single unit.
For example, if you suffer from back pain
simply stretching the muscles around
the waist will not be effective.
This is because all muscles are
interconnected, and it is necessary to
approach the body from the feet to the head.
Additionally, this stretching method
enhances your self-healing abilities
and awakens the body’s functions.
In our daily lives, we often use our
bodies in a very imbalanced way
and we do not use all parts of our
bodies as thoroughly as we should.
Even just this stretch has remarkable
benefits, helping to relieve lower back
pain, shoulder stiffness, cold hands and
feet, and improving lymphatic circulation.
There is a case where an elderly woman
over 80 years old, was no longer
able to eat through her mouth due to
muscle weakness.
However, after continuing
ASAMI-PARIS stretching, with
some support due to her age
the muscles related to her esophagus
were activated, and she was once again
able to eat through her mouth.
This stretch has a miraculous
effect not only on the outside
of the body but also on the inside
showing wonderful results.
The ASAMI-PARIS Stretching
Method Program
1) Correcting Pelvic Positioning
2)Complete Back Stretch
3)Ankle Stretching
4)Gluteal Muscle Stretching
5)Back Flexibility
6)Scapula Stretching
7)Stimulating Lymphatic Circulation
In the Neck
8)To Conclude
2. Barefoot Exercises
After the stretching
we will perform four types of
barefoot exercises to activate the
muscles necessary for improving
hallux valgus.
Originally, the ASAMI-PARIS
barefoot exercises were developed
to walk gracefully and correctly in high heels.
The key to my method is “placing
your weight on the ball of the big toe.
” This is not just a theory
related to sports, but also essential
for activities like playing the piano
or for opera singers when performing.
It’s important to place your weight
on the ball of the big toe not just when
walking but even when standing.
When you can consciously place your
weight on the ball of your big toe
the muscles on the inner side of your
foot will develop.
This is the core theory behind
correcting hallux valgus.
On the other hand, if you are unable
to place your weight on the ball of
your big toe, your weight will shift to
the outer side of your foot
preventing the correct use of foot muscles
which further aggravates hallux valgus.
Moreover, the muscles of the inner
foot and the inner leg are connected.
When the inner leg muscles develop
properly, a beautiful leg harmony
is created.
Not only that, but the muscles of the
inner leg are closely linked to the
body’s core, so by placing weight
on the ball of the foot, the body’s axis
is established.
Therefore, placing weight on the ball
of your big toe helps to establish
proper body alignment.
Many people with hallux valgus have
different levels of symptoms on each side.
For example, if the symptoms of
hallux valgus are worse on the left foot
than the right, the left leg may have a
bow-legged (O-shaped) appearance
compared to the right.
The leg with more pronounced
hallux valgus symptoms will show a
different alignment from the opposite
leg due to the relationship between
foot and leg muscles.
This all boils down to where you place
your weight—this is the key.
However, for decades, we walk and move
our bodies with our own habitual patterns.
That is why it is truly important to use
barefoot exercises to train the mind to
properly place weight and strengthen the
correct muscles for walking.
The habits and quirks of our walking
style that have been ingrained over the years
cannot be corrected immediately.
However, once awareness becomes
a habit, improvement is certainly
The greatest motivation is the relief
of hallux valgus, the reduction of body
pain, and the feeling of physical ease.

Hallux Valgus Improvement Lesson
-1 Session : 150 euros
-3 Session Package : 420 euros
-5 Session Package : 675 euros
※ Each session is 60 minutes.
Lesson Styles
You are welcome to either visit the salon
located in the 9th district of Paris
or opt for an online lesson via Skype.
Even for online lessons, I offer a very
high level of expertise, backed by
over 5000 private lessons provided.
Additionally, with Skype’s recording function
you can check your body’s progress and
review the changes through lesson videos.
Please specify your preferred style
when making your reservation.
Payment Method
Please choose your payment method
from the following options.
Bank transfer / Check / PayPal / Wise
Reservation Changes
Any changes to your reservation
must be made at least 24 hours
before the lesson begins.
Please note that any changes
made after this time will be considered
as a cancellation.
For any questions or inquiries, please
contact us via the following email: