I explain the last barefoot exercise.
How to do this exercise
Here are some notes about this exercise
I explain the last barefoot exercise.
How to do this exercise
Here are some notes about this exercise
I explain the last barefoot exercise.
The purpose of this exercise and how to do this exercise
Here are some notes about this exercise
I explain the last barefoot exercise.
The purpose of this exercise
I show you how to do this exercise
Here are some notes about this exercise
I will present barefoot exercises
to walk in high-heels correctly and elegantly.
There are 5 barefoot exercises.
Today, I’ll explain the first barefoot exercise.
The purpose of this exercise
How to do this exercise
Many people are surprised and
ask me some questions
because I walk a pair of
Christian Louboutin every day.
Are you tired of wearing high heels?
Do you feel pain in your legs and back?
If you walk correctly, you can walk
for hours in high-heels without tiring
or hurting yourself.
There are two main things
that are important for this.
The first important thing is to put the
weight on the ball of the big toe
anytime instead of on the heel.
Because if you don’t put your weight
on the ball of the big toe,
the axis of the body does not work.
As with many sports,
it is the sports theory.
Secondly, it is important not to walk
in the same way as in flat shoes.
It means that you shouldn’t
land your foot on the ground
from your heel.
There is a long obstruction under the
heel of the shoe as you know.
You will damage your body
because you tend to bend your
knee or to arch your back to try to keep
the body balanced.
A pair of high-heels is not the
enemy of women,
it is your best friend.
You can obtain an ideal body,
it also helps to remove oedema
and It can also develop self-confidence.
I hope that more women
will benefit from high-heels.
There are many beautiful
women in the world, but few women
walk in high-heels with elegance.
Many people still don’t know the power
of walking beautifully in high-heels.
Here are the reasons why.
1. It can make a big impression on you.
2. You can developper your charisma.
3. You can create energy from your body.
4. Build and maintain an ideal body.
5. You can achieve health and beauty.
I believe the foundation is what matters.
So there is stretching and five barefoot
exercises before practice with high-heels.
And there are more than 10 exercises
with high-heels in my method.
My method is unique in the world
to walk in high-heels correctly and elegantly.
And I have the confidence
to change all women’s beauty.
I think you can’t believe that
your back pain is solved by high-heels.
But it’s true.
I’m not a doctor, but I’ve improved
many women suffering from back pain
through my high-heel lessons.
There are many causes of back pain,
however, there is one common point
of this problem.
That is, the back bends backwards.
Especially, as you walk in high-heels,
you tend to bend your back backwards
to try to keep the body balanced.
The key to preventing this is the knees
and abdominal muscles.
The knee muscles and abdominal muscles
are related. And the abdominal muscles
and back muscles are related.
In addition, without back muscles,
the back would bend backwards.
This will cause back pain.
Walking in high-heels elegantly is logical.
And this logic is an art.
I had been wearing 12cm
Christian Louboutin high-heels
when I went to hospital in labour.
And the day after giving birth to my
daughter, I spent time in the hospital
wearing 15cm Zanotti high heels.
Many doctors and nurses came to my
hospital room to check the facts,
because they had never seen
such a woman before.
It was unprecedented for them.
Actually, I wasn’t tired at all even though
I gave birth to my amazing baby.
It’s so natural for me to live with
high-heels at all times,
so I was more surprised that
I would be surprised by this situation.
I never change my life, lots of love
and beauty thanks to my
high-heels even though I live with
my kids as a single mother.
High-heels are not the enemy at all.
These are the best friends that make
women even more beautiful.
I am sure that women need high-heels.
‘ I’d like to take this lesson again.’
A woman told me after my
high-heel lesson today.
My high-heel lessons are not
simply learning
how to walk in high-heels.
I am sure that
my lesson is definitely an art .
High-heels lessons consist of three
parts and every step of the process
is entirely calculated,
and I can say it’s a complete art.
Not only sweating in a gym is not a sport.
Training through high-heel lessons
to become more elegant in a sublime
atmosphere is also an artistic sport.
Besides You are able to gain the
technique to walk elegantly and without
pain with your high-heels.
It is a great chance for you,
if you want to be more elegant,
gorgeous and powerful.
Technique of walking in high-heels
elegantly must transform treasure
Do you believe that you can
learn to walk in high-heels online?
If you say No,
you can believe me that
I could give you a high level
high-heels lesson just like
a normal private lesson.
The reason why
I’ve already given over
5000 private lessons in my career.
I exercise with my clients
over the screen and I close to the screen
in order to analyse
their body, with concentrating.
This is an exquisite decision,
but that is why I can give high results
to my clients.
My job is as a high heel coach,
but I also consider myself a doctor.
This is because my work requires
very sensitive analytical skills.
Of course, it needs a sense of art.
It is well worth a try.
You’ll experience a world
you’ve never known.