Month: August 2024

  • Wouldn’t you like to have an ideal body?

    Wouldn’t you like to have an ideal body?

    Barefoot exercises are essential
    for walking in high-heels.

    I assure you that
     the ASAMI-PARIS method
     gives you a great effect as physical
     therapy or hospital treatment.

    This is true for all
    the stretching
    barefoot exercises
    and high-heeled exercises.

    There are so many bad labels
     about walking in high-heels as you know.

    But that is because of the wrong
     way to walk with them.
    And many women walk in
     high-heels without preparation
    for example not doing some exercises etc.

    Walking with elegance
     in high-heels is a sport and
    like any other sport, it is normal
    to hurt your body without practice.

    This is not the fault of high-heels.

    Wouldn’t you like to have an ideal body?

    I agree about getting the
     ideal body in the gym.
    Actually, I went to the gym for
    ten years and ran the Honolulu Marathon.

    However, I have not been to
     the gym or jogged
    since I created the high-heel Method.

    Such things are no longer needed.

    At the same time, there is no
     need to go to the gym or
    be able to exercise in the comfort
     of your own home.

    This is a great benefit.

    And above all
    the greatest benefit is that
     you can become even more beautiful.

    The impression of the walk
     will bring you great benefits.

    If you are a woman
    what reason would you have
     not to use this wonderful item?


  • What’s important in preparation to walk in high-heels.

    What’s important in preparation to walk in high-heels.

    I’ll explain what’s important
    in preparation before bringing your
    leg forward to walk in high-heels.

    There are two points.

    The first thing is to point
     the tiptoes backwards to the maximum.

    But why?

    If you don’t do it
    your heel will touch the ground
    as you pass your leg forward.

    Our body is intelligent.

    There will be a risk of drawing a circle
     by passing the leg forward

    to avoid touching the ground unconsciously.

    I am sure that it’s not elegant.

    But the most important thing is
     that you will cause the problem of leg pain.

    This is because too much load is
     put on the outside of the other leg
     due to centrifugal forces.

    The second thing is that you have to
    bend your knee slightly
    when you point the tiptoes backwards.

    If you don’t bend your knee like this
    you will risk touch your high-heels
    to the ground as you move your leg forward.

    You’ll damage your precious shoes.

    That’s why you also need the second preparation.

    don’t forget the preparation
     before bringing your leg forward
    to walk in high-heels.


  • Beauty is not created in a day.

    Beauty is not created in a day.

    If I wear flat shoes
     my body and mind feel lazy and
     consequently tired.

    Pleasant tension in the body creates energy.

     This is essential if you want to keep beautiful.

    It is understandable that
     European royalty always wear high-heels.

    There are also great benefits in our body.

    We need to establish the body’s axis to walk
     in high-heels elegantly and correctly.
    This requires pulling the abdominal
     muscles up and keeping the back muscles.
    In addition, the inner leg muscles are essential.

    A graceful rhythm also requires
     control to slow down breathing
     not to breathe too fast.

     This also requires control to
     live a life that is not rushed
    which is the mindset of living beautifully.

    Beauty is not created in a day.
    Beauty is a habit and a way of life.
