Month: July 2024

  • Are you tired of wearing high heels?

    Are you tired of wearing high heels?

    If you walk correctly, you can walk
    for hours in high-heels without tiring or hurting

    There are two main things
     that are important for this.

    The first important thing is to put the
    weight on the ball of the big toe anytime
    instead of on the heel. Because if you don’t
    put your weight on the ball of the big toe
    the axis of the body does not work.

    As with many sports
    it is the sports theory.

    Secondly, it is important not to walk
    in the same way as in flat shoes.
    It means that you shouldn’t land
     your foot on the ground from your heel.

    There is a long obstruction under the
    heel of the shoe as you know.
    You will damage your body
    because you tend to bend your knee or
    to arch your back to try to keep
     the body balanced.

    A pair of high-heels is not the enemy
    of women, it is your best friend.

    You can obtain an ideal body
    it also helps to remove oedema
     and It can also develop self-confidence.

    I hope that
     more women will benefit from high-heels.


  • No tiredness, No pain

    No tiredness, No pain

    One woman came to Paris
    to take my high-heel lessons.
    She felt tired everyday, even when
    she had been walking in flat shoes.

    She wasn’t interested in high-heels
     but she decided to take my lessons
    because she wanted to say goodbye
     to foot problems.

    The solution to all problems is
    which part we put on the weight and
    how we walk using proper muscles.
    We do the exercises barefoot first
     before wearing high-heels in my lessons.

    The foundations are very important.
    I invest lots of time in barefoot exercises.

    My clients are surprised at
    how easy it is to walk in high-heels
     after exercising barefoot.

    My client I spoke to at the
    beginning visited the Louvre
    Museum with her high-heels after
     taking my lessons.

     She was so surprised
    because she was never tired
     even though she wore high-heels.

    Once you learn how to walk
    in high-heels correctly
    you can walk with them for hours
    no tiredness and no pain like me.

    This is the magic of
     the ASAMI-PARIS method.


  • High-heels are a best friend

    High-heels are a best friend

    High-heels are a best friend
     when you walk correctly with them.

    If you want to develop
    your charisma or you want to expand
     your presence
     a pair of high-heels will help you.

    Do you know about a High-heels coach?

    Many people don’t know about my work.
    High-heels coaches help your beauty
    and elegance through amazing shoes.

    As we grow up
    we change the way we wear
     make-up and our clothes
    but we don’t change the way we walk.
    If we don’t learn how to walk
    we will walk like children.

    Is it something strange, right?

    You can receive many benefits
    when you walk in high-heels
    elegantly and correctly.
     So many women can’t walk
    with them gorgeously.

     It means a big chance for you.

    Don’t forget that a pair of
    high-heels really want to help you.


  • Don’t behavior your high-heels

    Don’t behavior your high-heels

    I was so shocked when I saw a
    model fall down on the runway and
    she threw her high-heels.

     I don’t like to accuse people
    but I feel so sorry for her behavior.

    People tend to blame someone else
    if it doesn’t work or something goes
    wrong. However, there is always
    a law of cause and effect.

    In the field of high heels
    it can be said that the way to walk
     in high-heels. It is important that
    we know the body systems and
    each muscle connection.

    So we need private lessons and
     proper exercises. This is because
    physical characteristics and
    habits vary from individual to individual.

    And there is a foundation for all these
    you can walk elegantly in high-heels.

    Walking in high-heels elegantly is a philosophy.
