Month: October 2023

  • Ideal body with High-heels

    Ideal body with High-heels

    High-heel exercises create the ideal body.

    It kills two birds with one stone for women
    to work out while being beautiful, rather than
    going to the gym and working out.

    This exercise strengthens not only
     the knee muscles needed to walk in
    high- heels but also the abdominal muscles
     and hips are also trained at the same time.

    Many people think that only leg muscles
    are needed to walk in high-heels,
    but walking in high-heels is
     elegantly a full-body exercise.

    Your beautiful high-heels
     transform into a sports machine.


  • Do you want to choose a pair of high-heels?

    Do you want to choose a pair of high-heels?

    Do you want to choose a pair of
    high-heels, if you don’t feel
     tired or hurt your feet ?

    Of course, you can choose it.
    I never get tired
    and never hurt my body even though
     I always walk in high-heels.

    The secret is where you put your
     weight and how you walk with them.
    If you walk in high-heels
    like flat shoes, of course you can
     damage your body.

    Tips for walking in high-heels
     correctly should follow sport theory.
    The first important thing is to put your
     weight on the ball of the big toe anytime.

    For this reason, you shouldn’t land
     your foot on the ground from the heel.
     The next important thing is the body’s axis.

    You never shake your body as you
     walk in high-heels in order to keep the
    body’s axis and use inner muscles.

    Always we have to keep a good posture.
    In addition, stretching is also important.

    The ASAMI-PARIS stretching method
     not only softens the body but also
     awakens the self-healing powers.

     It also contains all the necessary
     elements to walk in high-heels
     elegantly and correctly. 

    I do stretching and exercise barefooted
    every morning.
    Walking in high heels is a sport.

    As in any other sport,
    it is necessary to prepare the body.


  • How can we walk in high-heels  without problem ?

    How can we walk in high-heels without problem ?

    If you want to walk in high-heels
    without problem and elegantly,
    you must not land your foot on the
     ground from the heel.

    This technique allows you to put the
     weight on the ball of the big toe.
    Putting on the weight on the ball of the
    big toe is a theory on sports techniques.

    If you can’t put your weight
    on the ball of the big toe,
    the body’s axis can’t be established.
    So you will lose body balance.

    Besides, outer leg muscles are
    trained so hard, your legs line deform
     into a rugby ball shape.

    And you will bend the back backward
    because of trying to keep the body balanced.
    That’s why you will have a backache.

    I can say that this skill is the technique,
    so we must train with some exercises.

    Knowing the right knowledge
    Making it a habit

    This is the key to walking in high-heels elegantly.


  • What’s the preparation for high-heels ?

    What’s the preparation for high-heels ?

    Every sport is necessary to prepare
    our body before the actual exercise.
    Our body might be damaged
     if we don’t have any preparation.

    I would advise you that we ought to
    exercise barefooted and stretch
    every morning, if you want to walk
     in high-heels elegantly and correctly.

    Because our body condition is always
     different as we wake up.
    We have to awaken our sensibility
     at the beginning of the day.

    In my high-heels lesson,
    it is indispensable to do stretching
    and some bare feet exercises
    before wearing high-heels.

    ASAMI-PARIS’s clients don’t walk
    or move their muscles
    vaguely, they walk gracefully based on
     logic with a right theory.

    There’s no real way without knowing
    a real theory. It’s the eternal truth
     in any field, I guess. With my theory, I can
    answer any questions from any different fields.

     This is my theory of high-heels.


  • You can heal Hallux

    You can heal Hallux

    I think many women aresuffering from
     Hallux Valgus(Bunion).

    I feel sorry that they have to give up
    wearing high-heels because of such
    painful bunions.

    Actually, I have some clients who
     also suffered from it. They wanted to
     walk in high-heels, but bunions
     didn’t stop them from reaching their dream,
    so they knocked on my door.

    They wanted me to support them.
    I think you won’t believe me,
    but this is true, their problem was solved
    and they can walk in high-heels in
     their daily life now.

    I am not a doctor,
    I don’t have any medicallicense,
    but I can cure body problems
     with my method of high-heels.
