Month: May 2022

  • How can we walk in high-heels on a stone-paved road ?

    How can we walk in high-heels on a stone-paved road ?

    There are many stone-paved roads in Paris.
    I never feel stress walking on such roads, I just feel that
     the stone-paved road gives magnificence to Paris.

     I have been living in Paris for over eleven years now
     but I can’t help admiring the beautiful sense of Paris.

    As a woman who is walking in high-heels here,
    I would rather adapt to this kind of road than to quit
     walking in high-heels. I have a good idea
     that you will not break your precious heels
     even though you walk on stone- paved.

    The idea is how you land your foot on the ground.
    I walk in high-heels putting my toes down first
     before my heel. To be precise, I don’t touch my heel
     when I land my foot on the ground.

    This is not a special technique
     but it’s something we must do every time we walk.
    If we can walk this way, our heels won’t get stuck
     in between the stones.

     Even though it’s a stone-paved road,
    we can still walk elegantly and gracefully.

    Oppositely, if we walk with them putting
     our heels down first before our toes, you can imagine
     what they will do. If you care about your high heels,
    you can treat your pair of high-heels with your walking
     like your beauty.

    An elegant and sophisticated woman should know
     how to match her lifestyle with her high-heels.
     We should always be well-rounded.

     We never let go of our high-heels.
    Every situation is a challenge but we should know
     how to win over that challenge.


  • The way you walk determines your beauty

    The way you walk determines your beauty

    High-heels are essential to a woman’s life.
    Whether you are a mother or single, career woman
     or a housewife, you definitely need a pair of high-heels.

    It doesn’t depend on where we are in the society.
    One of my client works at a primary school,
     though she works as teacher, she still wears
     Christian Louboutin.

     Can you imagine
     a teacher wearing Christian Louboutin?

    What a wonderful sight! She wants to keep being
     a woman even when she is working, so she wears them
    no matter where she is.

    Many women are conscious of their make-up
     and clothes to keep their beauty.
    But we must know the big effect
     if we can walk in high-heels correctly.

    If you see that a woman has a space between legs
     as she walks, you will feel so sorry even though
     she wears makeup.

     It makes a bigger impression than you might imagine.
    This is not an exaggeration
     that the way you walk determines your beauty.

    Don’t forget it
    Everyone can be elegant,
    When we learn to walk with them properly.
