• What’s important in preparation to walk in high-heels.

    What’s important in preparation to walk in high-heels.

    I’ll explain what’s important
    in preparation before bringing your
    leg forward to walk in high-heels.

    There are two points.

    The first thing is to point
     the tiptoes backwards to the maximum.

    But why?

    If you don’t do it,
    your heel will touch the ground
    as you pass your leg forward.

    Our body is intelligent.

    There will be a risk of drawing a circle
     by passing the leg forward

    to avoid touching the ground unconsciously.

    I am sure that it’s not elegant.

    But the most important thing is
     that you will cause the problem of leg pain.

    This is because too much load is
     put on the outside of the other leg
     due to centrifugal forces.

    The second thing is that you have to
    bend your knee slightly
    when you point the tiptoes backwards.

    If you don’t bend your knee like this,
    you will risk touch your high-heels
    to the ground as you move your leg forward.

    You’ll damage your precious shoes.

    That’s why you also need the second preparation.

    don’t forget the preparation
     before bringing your leg forward
    to walk in high-heels.


  • Hallux valgus x High-heels

    Hallux valgus x High-heels

    Many people think that
     they produire Hallux valgus
     because of wearing high-heels.

    But this is a complete mistake.

    I walk in high-heels everyday
     even though I go out and I am at home,
    however I never have a problem
     with Hallux valgus.

    This proves more than anything else.

    I understand that many women
     suffer from bunions.
    Actually, many women knocked
     on the door to take my high-heels lessons
    to improve with Hallux valgus.

    One of my clients had been suffering
     from this problem and she never
     walked in high-heels.
    Because she had been feeling pain
     when she wore high-heels.

    I focused on barefoot exercise,
    no high-heels.

    The ASAMI-PARIS method is
    not only for walking in
     high-heels elegantly but also
     you can improve the body problem.

    The reason for this is an original
     stretch on human body anatomy and
    five different barefoot exercises
     for walking in high-heels.

    These can be of great help
     in improving Hallux valgus.

    Besides, if you really want to
     improve this problem, you need
    to strengthen the inside of the sole.

    For this reason, you have to
     put your weight on the ball of the big toe.

    This technique is
     the ASAMI-PARIS method.

    You can walk in high-heels elegantly
    but not only that,
    but your problem will improve.
    This is the best way.

    By the way, many clients who
     had been having problems have
     been walking in beautiful
     Christian Louboutin
     high-heels with my technique.

    It is the most advanced
     way of becoming beautiful in the world.


  • Are you tired of wearing High-heels?

    Are you tired of wearing High-heels?

    Many people are surprised and
    ask me some questions
    because I walk a pair of
     Christian Louboutin every day.

    Are you tired of wearing high heels?
    Do you feel pain in your legs and back?

    If you walk correctly, you can walk
    for hours in high-heels without tiring
    or hurting yourself.

    There are two main things
     that are important for this.

    The first important thing is to put the
    weight on the ball of the big toe
    anytime instead of on the heel.
    Because if you don’t put your weight
     on the ball of the big toe,
    the axis of the body does not work.

    As with many sports,
    it is the sports theory.

    Secondly, it is important not to walk
    in the same way as in flat shoes.
    It means that you shouldn’t
    land your foot on the ground
     from your heel.

    There is a long obstruction under the
    heel of the shoe as you know.
    You will damage your body
    because you tend to bend your
    knee or to arch your back to try to keep
     the body balanced.

    A pair of high-heels is not the
    enemy of women,
    it is your best friend.

    You can obtain an ideal body,
    it also helps to remove oedema
     and It can also develop self-confidence.

    I hope that more women
     will benefit from high-heels.


  • Why we shouldn’t touch the foot on the ground from the heel?

    Why we shouldn’t touch the foot on the ground from the heel?

    If you land the foot on the ground
    from the heel,  you tend to bend the knee.
      If you bend the knee as you touch your
     foot on the ground, you can’t put
     your weight on the ball of the big toe.

    What’s the problem ?
    I’m sure it’s a big problem
     because the body axis never works.

    As a result,
    excessive strain on the outer leg muscles.
    You feel pain or tiredness in your legs.

    I see many women touch the ground
     from the heel without bending the knee.
    As you see, this situation is at
     an acute angle to the heel and the ground.

    Of course, you will damage your heel,
    and you tend to bend the back
     backwards to try to keep the body balanced.

    If you take my lessons,
    you won’t be tired or in pain.
    And above all, you can become
     even more elegant

    Remember, walking in high-heels is a theory.


  • Do you want to choose a pair of high-heels?

    Do you want to choose a pair of high-heels?

    Do you want to choose a pair of
    high-heels, if you don’t feel
     tired or hurt your feet ?

    Of course, you can choose it.
    I never get tired
    and never hurt my body even though
     I always walk in high-heels.

    The secret is where you put your
     weight and how you walk with them.
    If you walk in high-heels
    like flat shoes, of course you can
     damage your body.

    Tips for walking in high-heels
     correctly should follow sport theory.
    The first important thing is to put your
     weight on the ball of the big toe anytime.

    For this reason, you shouldn’t land
     your foot on the ground from the heel.
     The next important thing is the body’s axis.

    You never shake your body as you
     walk in high-heels in order to keep the
    body’s axis and use inner muscles.

    Always we have to keep a good posture.
    In addition, stretching is also important.

    The ASAMI-PARIS stretching method
     not only softens the body but also
     awakens the self-healing powers.

     It also contains all the necessary
     elements to walk in high-heels
     elegantly and correctly. 

    I do stretching and exercise barefooted
    every morning.
    Walking in high heels is a sport.

    As in any other sport,
    it is necessary to prepare the body.


  • How can we walk in high-heels  without problem ?

    How can we walk in high-heels without problem ?

    If you want to walk in high-heels
    without problem and elegantly,
    you must not land your foot on the
     ground from the heel.

    This technique allows you to put the
     weight on the ball of the big toe.
    Putting on the weight on the ball of the
    big toe is a theory on sports techniques.

    If you can’t put your weight
    on the ball of the big toe,
    the body’s axis can’t be established.
    So you will lose body balance.

    Besides, outer leg muscles are
    trained so hard, your legs line deform
     into a rugby ball shape.

    And you will bend the back backward
    because of trying to keep the body balanced.
    That’s why you will have a backache.

    I can say that this skill is the technique,
    so we must train with some exercises.

    Knowing the right knowledge
    Making it a habit

    This is the key to walking in high-heels elegantly.


  • The key of walking in high-heels

    The key of walking in high-heels

    There are some exercises to stimulate
     the ball of the big toe. Why do we need to train and
     put our weight on the ball of the big toe?

    The ASAMI-PARIS’s method is based on sports theory.
    Like many other sports,

    when we put our weight on the ball of the big toe,
     we can use the inside muscles of our legs.
    As a result, we can pull our abdominal muscles up and
     control the core muscles of our body.

    If you can’t put your weight on the ball of your big toe,
    as a result, you would lose your balance and the load
     would be added to the outside of your legs, and the outer
     muscles of the legs would develop which cause bow-legs.

    At the same time, the back backwards, which causes
     lumbago or many other troubles with your body.
     It is very important to be conscious of this ball of big toe
     while walking with high heels and this technique
     is the key in my lessons.

    Just as there are reasons not to walk in high heels,
    there are also reasons why you can walk in high heels.


  • How can we walk in high-heels on a stone-paved road ?

    How can we walk in high-heels on a stone-paved road ?

    There are many stone-paved roads in Paris.
    I never feel stress walking on such roads, I just feel that
     the stone-paved road gives magnificence to Paris.

     I have been living in Paris for over eleven years now
     but I can’t help admiring the beautiful sense of Paris.

    As a woman who is walking in high-heels here,
    I would rather adapt to this kind of road than to quit
     walking in high-heels. I have a good idea
     that you will not break your precious heels
     even though you walk on stone- paved.

    The idea is how you land your foot on the ground.
    I walk in high-heels putting my toes down first
     before my heel. To be precise, I don’t touch my heel
     when I land my foot on the ground.

    This is not a special technique
     but it’s something we must do every time we walk.
    If we can walk this way, our heels won’t get stuck
     in between the stones.

     Even though it’s a stone-paved road,
    we can still walk elegantly and gracefully.

    Oppositely, if we walk with them putting
     our heels down first before our toes, you can imagine
     what they will do. If you care about your high heels,
    you can treat your pair of high-heels with your walking
     like your beauty.

    An elegant and sophisticated woman should know
     how to match her lifestyle with her high-heels.
     We should always be well-rounded.

     We never let go of our high-heels.
    Every situation is a challenge but we should know
     how to win over that challenge.
